Friday, February 24, 2012

Emphysema is a group of lung diseases ...

Emphysema (pronounced EM-da-Zema) is a degenerative disease of the lungs

, which develops after years of lung tissue effects of cigarette smoke

or other toxins that pollute the air. When you inhale, oxygen travels down your airways, the lungs

in tiny air sacs in the lungs called alveoli. Alveolus

Click oxygen to the heart, so that it can be distributed all over

body, and it pushes the carbon dioxide so that it can be exhaled. A person suffering from emphysema, alveoli damaged

and lose elasticity. Air bags are not able to fully

swell and then all the oxygen and carbon dioxide with. Instead, >> << oxygen and carbon dioxide remains in the alveoli, as well as new, fresh >> << oxygen can be taken in. This allows the patient seems >> << if his lungs permanently full of air. Sigh

becomes very difficult, and that the heart and the rest of the body >> << can not get needed oxygen, the person feels tired.19 anabol testo Emphysema is a lung from a group of lung diseases, names that interferes with normal breathing >>. Emphysema << sometimes occurs in conjunction with other COPD. The buy lasix difference between these diseases

that emphysema is the result of damage to the alveoli, and chronic bronchitis

, is an inflammatory disease. Diseases are common symptoms

and objective treatment. Although emphysema can not be cured, treatment

may help relieve symptoms and improve quality of life. As each of us grows older, the air sacs or alveoli in our lungs

weaken. This degeneration of emphysema and age leads to

but smokers destroy their alveoli at a faster pace. This makes smokers who are most at risk of disease


on a much younger age. Smoking is a major cause of emphysema. Other pollutants, except cigarettes, cigars or pipe smoke

can also damage the lungs and cause emphysema. For example, if

you work around the polluted air or chemical fumes, your chances of developing emphysema

soar. Emphysema can be inherited. Protein alpha-1 antitrypsin

exists in most people, and it protects the lungs from pollution damage.

Sometimes a person can not inherit this

protein from its parents. If a person lacks the protein,

deficit will cause a person much more vulnerable

to the disease. If you suffer from emphysema, you will notice that you

with chronic cough, which may or may not phlegm and mucus. You'll also notice that you choke, and it >> << grow worse over time. Other symptoms include:

If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your health care professional immediately

for accurate diagnosis and treatment >> << to relieve symptoms. .

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