Friday, February 24, 2012

Many household items contain nickel, including

What is eczema? Meaning of the word "eczema" may cause confusion

. Many people use this word to refer to common skin

condition called atopic dermatitis. In this sense, >> << word "eczema / atopic dermatitis" may be used. The word "eczema" is a more general sense. Eczema can mean

family of skin disease that causes skin swelling,

irritation and itching. Many skin diseases are the type of eczema. Atopic dermatitis

one type. Other types include hand dermatitis,

monetovydnyy dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis. Dandruff is a mild type >> << seborrheic dermatitis. Diaper rash and rash that many people

get after contact with poison ivy and other types

eczema. What causes eczema? What causes some types of eczema

clearly. One type of eczema, irritating contact dermatitis develops after frequent

influence weak stimulus, such as detergents or

, short-term impact of a strong stimulus, such as battery acid. Another type

allergic contact dermatitis develops when the allergen >> << (substances to which a person is allergic) faced with the skin. Common allergens include >> << poison ivy and nickel. Nickel allergy

actually one of the most common causes of allergic contact dermatitis >>. << Many household items contain nickel, including coins, buttons

, jewelery and spectacle frames. The exact cause of other types of eczema are not fully understood. Researchers believe that atopic dermatitis develops when many >> << factors together. These factors include the inheritance of certain genes with

overactive immune system, but with something that

Dermatologists called "barrier defect. "Barrier defect available >> << that means that" gaps in the skin. "These gaps allow the skin to lose

water too quickly. Gaps also allow bacteria and other stuff lasix 50 mg iv

small to see with the naked eye enter the body. Seborrheic dermatitis and other eczema type, which seem

develop when a number of factors interact. These factors include genes

, in yeast that live on human skin, stress, climate and

overall general health. Studies show that seborrheic dermatitis

, usually severe in people with human immunodeficiency virus

(HIV). This means that the immune system plays a role

. How Dermatologist Diagnosis

eczema? If your dermatologist suspects any type

eczema, the doctor will take a complete medical history, ask about

(or your child's) symptoms, and learn (or your child

c) of the skin. It gives enough information to accurately diagnose

many kinds of eczema. If there are clear signs that this is an allergic reaction, your

dermatologist can be a test called a "patch test. "Patch

testing can help identify everyday substances to which man

allergy. Sometimes eczema can be easily diagnosed, but also a challenge for treatment. Joining with a dermatologist can help. .

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